A root canal is a quick, relatively painless procedure that can help relieve tooth pain and save a damaged tooth. This commonly performed procedure can also prevent a later need for dental implants or bridges. We can ease your pain and repair your tooth with a quick, painless root canal procedure.
In the center of your tooth is pulp, a collection of blood vessels. This pulp helps make up the rest of the surrounding tooth, but can become infected due to trauma, decay, cracks, chips or even multiple dental procedures.
As the pulp weakens, this leaves your tooth susceptible to further damage. You might need a root canal if you experience any of the following symptoms:
If you experience any of the above symptoms, your dentist will recommend a root canal. In this procedure, the dentist will go in and remove the damaged pulp and clean out the root canal system thoroughly, then seal it. The area will generally be placed under local anesthesia for the procedure.
After the procedure is completed you’ll be able to drive home and return to your normal routine without downtime. This procedure can be completed in the same visit at our office, making it even easier to return to work or your regularly scheduled activities afterward.
Evening and Saturday appointments are reserved for established patients only. No new patients seen on Saturdays or evenings.